I saw Michelle’s recent post on Star Storage about overcoming writers’ block and thought to myself, that’s definitely something I can relate to. Blogging one of those things, everybody is telling you that you need to be doing it but where do you find the time and the inspiration to keep it up-to-date with fresh, interesting content.
Now, some people say how can you blog about storage and yes, hundreds of blog post-titles don’t necessarily spring to mind; but if this is something you live and breathe everyday then it shouldn’t be a problem. I can guarantee you’ll be able to talk all day about your business to whoever will lend an ear – the difficulty is transforming this into interesting posts and knowing where to look for new ideas.
Here’s my personal advice on what I do to generate ideas for blog content and how I make sure these end up going live on the World Wide Web.
You always need to be thinking: what do I know about what I’m doing? Can I share this with others? Will it be useful? You will be surprised at the amount you pick up that’s unique insight to you and, if you share, to others as well.

Don’t go chasing readers or followers – do it for its own sake, writing down your thoughts will help to crystallise them in your own mind. One of my favourite videos is Seth Godin talking about how important blogging is:
There is some sound advice here. What matter’s about blogging is the ‘meta-cognition’ of what you’re going to say – how do you explain yourself; what you’re doing and why you did something.
Capturing Your Ideas
Once you’ve got yourself in the mindset that always bears in mind what could be feasible for a blog post, you need to make sure you capture these ideas and make them happen. I’ve found a really great tool for helping to do this: it’s called Evernote (there’s a quick introduction here).

Anyway, they are my two tips for finding inspiration for blogging about self storage and making sure you follow through with all your post. Would love to hear other people’s thoughts, tips and ideas!
We thank our guest Blogger, Michael Smith from Safestore in the UK, this week for sharing his thoughts with everyone. If you are in the UK and in need of storage space, please contact:
We know the value of space Safestore - The UK's No.1 for self storage Proud supporters of Scope - Safestore Charity of the Year |
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Telephone +44 (0)20 8732 1500. Fax +44 (0)20 8732 1510. www.safestore.co.uk
© Copyright Safestore self storage 2008. Registered company 5512707.
Telephone +44 (0)20 8732 1500. Fax +44 (0)20 8732 1510. www.safestore.co.uk
© Copyright Safestore self storage 2008. Registered company 5512707.
Thanks for sharing such an informative blog with us. Cheers!